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The Gingerbread House

presented by: GameExpert


Version - 1.12+ Size - ~125x125+ (Estimate) Theme - Fantasy / Winter "The Gingerbread House"...

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Version - 1.12+
Size - ~125x125+ (Estimate)
Theme - Fantasy / Winter

"The Gingerbread House" is a project themed winter made for any type of purpose, at sole discretion of the buyer.

- Features:
- Point of spawn set on the road, ahead "The Gingerbread House", for a perfect view of the project;
- "The Gingerbread House" is totally decorated as a themed christmas room;
- 3 Unique firs;
- Several spots for the NPCs;
- A fresh snowman as welcome for your players :);

N.B. *After the purchase you will receive a .schematic file.

If you have any questions or concerns; make sure to contact me notdrxz#7482.

- Yours faithfully, GameExpert & DrezKid#6210.
Length (x): 125
Width (z): 125
Height (y):


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