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Sunken Soldier HCF/Kitmap Spawn

presented by: Meraki Studios


Sunken Soldier Spawn The lost kingdom of Atlantis has been found, and it could be the spawn of...

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Sunken Soldier Spawn

The lost kingdom of Atlantis has been found, and it could be the spawn of your server! Guarded by the statue of an Atlantean soldier, your players can visit the shop, travel between dimensions with the End and Nether portals in this 100x100 pre-built spawn.

- Fitting usage: Spawn, Factions Spawn, Kitmap Spawn, HCF Spawn, Lobby
- Size: 100x100
- Underwater themed,
- Room for infoboards, NPC's, portals, crates, ...
- Including Shop, End Portal, Nether Portal & Parkour,
- Minecraft version 1.8+
- Album:

Ownership rights:
- You are not allowed to resell this build.
- You are not allowed to publish this build.
- You are not allowed to claim this build as your own.
- Your usage of this file is only permitted for 1 server and 1 development instance.
Blockcount 100
Length (x):
Width (z):
Height (y): 100


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