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Mushroom Warzone 650x650 with Spawn

presented by: Sir_Arzie

$17.00 $16.15

Overall size of warzone 650x650 blocks square. Spawn 180x180 blocks sphere. Spawn has two...

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Overall size of warzone 650x650 blocks square.
Spawn 180x180 blocks sphere.
Spawn has two organics skeleton reading a book and a wizard.
Mushroom theme/fantasy.
Blockcount 664736
Length (x): 650
Width (z): 650
Height (y): 240


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    • LetsSee

      Hey, I purchased this a while ago. Can I get the build in a flat world? It's too large for me to actually world edit it in.

        • Sir_Arzie

          Hello, you can use mcedit to paste it in or you can use FAWE : ) to upload it into your server.

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