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Gothic Medieval faction spawn+warzone

presented by: thelukass


- The total size is roughly 500x500 blocks (Fac. Spawn is 200x200) - The Warzone has 4 themes (1...

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- The total size is roughly 500x500 blocks (Fac. Spawn is 200x200)
- The Warzone has 4 themes (1 each direction), each of which has its own features: Hell, Tundra, Snow, Forest
- 4 courtyards at the faction spawn (1 shops, 1 enchanting, the other 2 are open for your own stuff, filled with some trees for the meantime)
- 3 storeys inside: (up-down) Spawn-arena-large hub room thing It can be shifted around a bit
- Travel down by water jumps
- Up by stairs
- Gothic theme to fit the medieval era

Mind that the schematic is relatively large, if you have any problems pasting it, look into the comment section and I will make sure to help you!

More pictures:
Blockcount 5900000
Length (x): 500
Width (z): 500
Height (y): 210


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    • Lunari_Assassin

      Hey, was hoping to get the world download since fawe is strunggling on my 24 gig server, any chance i could get it from you?

      I have proof of purchase ofcourse, Please add my Discord and Message me Soul#1045

    • 0badiah

      Wow. You have some awesome builds!

    • Dryrock26

      Hey man I would love to buy this today if you could get back to me. I sent you a friend request on discord. I wanted to know if this would work on my 1.8 server? Also if im using FAWE and i have a 2gb server would it work if pasted?

    • Parkeplayz

      i bought it and want the world file please

    • gamefacts

      I have an issue loading the schematic.

        • thelukass

          Feel free to add me on discord: thelukass#1135 - I can give you the world folder instead.

            • gamefacts

              Done. Please accept me.

    • Famulus

      @thelukass I need the world folder please

        • thelukass

          I see you added me on Discord. Message me with a proof of the purchase and I will get you the world

    • Moguii

      @thelukass I have a problem with the pasting of the schematic. Could you send me the world folder instead the schematic?

        • thelukass

          Yes, add me on discord: thelukass#1135 or skype: thelukass71 (can't promise I will reply on skype though as I use it very little nowadays)

    • DerZorn

      @thelukass I have a problem with the pasting of the schematic. Could you send me the world folder instead the schematic?

    • xNights

      Please accept me on skype.

    • xNights

      Is there a server where I could go watch it in realtime?

        • xNights

          The 3D "model" is lagging too much

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