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Fire Warzone

presented by: Sir_Arzie


Fire warzone Come see my channel! And my...

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Fire warzone

Come see my channel!
And my Twitter!
Blockcount 664736
Length (x): 300
Width (z): 300
Height (y): 150


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    • OhhDope

      Hey! I havent bought this yet, I would but im just worried about the schematic, it seems like you dont get it and or it just doesnt work for a lot of people. If i were to buy this and I dont get the schematic or it doesnt work for what ever reason will you help me figure out how to get it working? If you can ill 100% buy this from you! :D

        • Sir_Arzie

          You can contact me directly via discord app : )
          add me as friend and i can give you the schematic : )

            • OhhDope

              Ok I did indeed have a problem with the schematic. I just added you as a friend on discord, my username part of it is OhhDope

                • OhhDope

                  I can indeed verify the purchase :D

    • ItsRileyD

      hey i just purchased this but i didnt get the build
      can you dm at quetahq#4732

        • Sir_Arzie

          Hello that name does not seem to work
          #8003 Here you can contact me instead : )

    • Catan77

      Could you pass me the map in a folder?

      The schematic has difficulty //paste.

      Discord: Catan77 # 3815

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