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CandyCastle Bedwars 4x4

presented by: Nightly Owls


CandyCastle Bedwars 4x4 Includes: player beds, place for NPCs, generators of bronze, iron, gold...

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CandyCastle Bedwars 4x4
Includes: player beds, place for NPCs, generators of bronze, iron, gold and diamonds, team colors, a place for excellent pvp.
If you liked this map, look at our other products. Works on any version of mainecraft server.
You can easily change the number of islands by adding or removing them.

If you have any problems or questions, message us on our manager Nightly Owls and we will help you. Discord avemos#8555
Length (x): 145
Width (z): 140
Height (y): 42


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    • LightGamek

      So hello, I pucharsed this but there was information somewhere that this map is from 1.8 - with blocks from 1.8 but this is not true. Is there a refund option or something? Greetings.

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