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BedWars Bundle #1

presented by: GameExpert


x4 BedWars Bundle №1 - High Quality - They were made following precise layouts for a fair game,...

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x4 BedWars Bundle №1 - High Quality - They were made following precise layouts for a fair game, and made for a unique and sliding gameplay for all type of players.
Compatible with version 1.8+ and newer versions

#Maps-Size ~205x255x205

- Themes -

I - Natural
II - Drugs
III - Chinese foods
IV - Arcade Machines

The bundle will be a .zip file that contain 4 different schematics of all BedWars in format .schematic


If you have any questions or concerns; make sure to contact me notdrxz#7482.

- Yours faithfully, GameExpert & DrezKid.
Blockcount 0
Length (x): 205
Width (z): 205
Height (y): 0


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