Game Version: 1.8 and above (using 1.8 blocks)
Additional informations:
- 4 areas for Informations/game signs and NPCs
- 2 Samurai Organics
- 1 dragon Organic
- Islands with different houses (expandable for own use)
- crate/npc area (10 crates/NPCs)
If you have any questions or problems please contact us through our discord
- Some of our maps might need our "PatheriaUtils" plugin for certain details (flowers on
leaves, half doors, pistonheads...) to work.
Published by Patheria build by Lilaaa_#0001 (discord tag)
Blockcount |
1068401 |
Length (x): |
240 |
Width (z): |
240 |
Height (y): |
130 |
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