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Angeron PvP map

presented by: MrAniman2


This map can be used as pvp, kit pvp map or even as a large size koth. It's well made pvp area...

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This map can be used as pvp, kit pvp map or even as a large size koth.

It's well made pvp area with mostly flat surface (some places covered with barrier blocks, visible in pictures) for pleasant pvp experience. Map has been built in a similar style as my previous build (Spawn Angeron ) so if you already using that spawn then this pvp map will perfectly match the theme.

This map features unique and very interesting environment for players.
There are two possible spawn areas.

- One smaller with little shop/info area and spawn point located near the pvp zone for quick respawns (suitable for kitpvp)

- And second larger spawn area (with little shop/info) more suitable as warp pvp for example for skyblock etc servers.

Extra pictures (+ default) you can see here:

Dimensions (approximately) 180x180x105

☀️ If you need updated schematic (1.16+) or have any other questions you are always welcome to contact me directly via email: animan2(at)
Length (x): 180
Width (z): 180
Height (y): 105


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    • RocketFix

      What version is this map built in/for?

        • MrAniman2

          The .schematic file you will receive after purchase is good for 1.8 - 1.12. If you need this build for 1.13+ and you don't know how to update .schematic files to .schem I can gladly provide you an updated file compatible with 1.13+ if you contact me via email: animan2(at) or Twitter: MrAniman2

            • RocketFix

              Hey, just responding to let you know I shot you an email, take a look when you get the chance. Thank you :)

    • Nayr777

      Shaders? :D

        • MrAniman2

          In the description you can find link to more pictures including default ones :)

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