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4 Prison Mines

presented by: MrAniman2


Included four prison mines Grand Canyon (Nature themed) Mining area size 35x35x32 Garden...

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Included four prison mines

Grand Canyon (Nature themed)
Mining area size 35x35x32

Garden (Nature themed)
Mining area size 30x30x30

Farmland (Nature themed)
Mining area size 30x30x30

Candy Land (Fantasy themed)
Mining area size 30x30x30
NB! All mines are included in one schematic file and it's fairly large so be careful when pasting in your server (i suggest to use AsyncWorldEdit plugin and /paste -a)
Length (x): 350
Width (z): 320
Height (y): 100


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    • dreamCritting

      Hello, do you know a builder named Fumadoo? We had someone on the forum I help to moderate claiming they built one of these prison mines ( and are allowed to post it - is this true?

        • MrAniman2

          No, I do not know the person you mentioned. All these mines were built solely by me years ago. Unfortunately, the person you mentioned is not being truthful...

    • ElsaMagicSparkle

      Do you have single schematics? I upgraded my server and all but it still won't spawn even with Async ;-;

        • MrAniman2

          Hi, I haven't received any message from you. If the issue still persists you are welcome to contact me via email provided previously, thanks.

        • MrAniman2

          Hello, yes I can provide you separate schematic files for each mine and instructions on how to paste them properly
          Please contact me via this email:

            • BanEvader_

              Just wondering if there is a way to get a world download considering its 11MILLION blocks, i cant paste it in lmao

                • MrAniman2

                  Well, save game would be the absolute last resource...
                  Can I ask:
                  - are you using //paste -a command?
                  - have you tried FAWE plugin?
                  - maybe //fast command can do the job? (instructions about //fast can be found here: under "What is a schematic and how to use it"

                  If you would contact me via email animan2(at) then I could also provide you separate schematics per mine.

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