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200x200 Classical Hub/Factions Spawn

presented by: meaf9000


at a 230x230 diagonal length, this spawn includes 4 entrances that can also be fitted for portals,...

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at a 230x230 diagonal length, this spawn includes 4 entrances that can also be fitted for portals, and serves as a fantastic spawn for any server. the Spacious outer area provides great room for crates, NPC's and much more, as well as having an inner lush green spawnpoint, giving a great first impression for new players. The classical architecture as well as unique statues also provide one picturesque background for the spawn.
Length (x): 229
Width (z): 229
Height (y): 105


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    • ProfesorKush

      Wanted more pics / vids (I want for fac server) add my discord :) ProfesorKush#0768

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